Today's blog concentrates on book signings that I have coming up and the dilemma facing most authors, especially independent authors. Should I do swag bags and if so what should I put in them?
This is one of the questions I frequently ask myself especially when I sign up to do book signings. In 2024 I have two large book signings one in Shrewsbury and one in Newcastle so I have started thinking about this now. Having heard from various authors who are further along their writing journey items in the swag bags can include notebooks, pencils, keyrings, stickers, postcards and tote bags. Having decided what items to concentrate on. The next question is how many should I order? I know when I have been to book signing events (although these were pre-covid) I got excited when I received a bookmark with my book. Do people expect more than that now? I wonder if author swag has gone the way children's party bags went. As my children growing up when my eldest went to her first parties the goody bag included a bit of cake wrapped in a serviette, a balloon and a yo-yo when my youngest daughter reached that age party bags had increased and instead of the yo-yo you had a book or make up or something equally expensive. I don't know what you get in a kid's party bag now because luckily my lovely daughters are grown up but it does make you wonder. Anyway, back to the author swag,
As an independent author marketing my book is very important however the downside is that there is not an unlimited supply of money available to provide all the swag items on the list, so I need to narrow it down. If anyone would let me know what free gifts they would like that would really help. I don't want to order 1,000 bags if they are just going to sit in my garage unused. I would be very grateful if you can help me out with this dilemma.
In other news, my second book has gone off to my wonderful editor for editing and I can't wait to hear what she has to say. I have just finished my book tour at the Book Dragon. My next book signing will be at the Huddersfield Literacy Festival on the 1st April. and lastly, I am now a member of the Romantic Novelists Association. I am so excited that I am a member and look forward to meeting some wonderful romance writers.