Hi, it's Helen here. I wanted to introduce myself so that you know a little bit more behind the person who has written a book, but first of all I want to apologise if you see any spelling mistakes or grammar mistakes on here. These are unedited pages and straight from my head unlike my book that has been edited so that they shouldn't appear but I wanted this blog to be the real me, so here goes.
I am a mother of two grown up daughters and now live in North Yorkshire with my husband. I grew up thinking that I was thick because I was having difficulty writing and spelling and no matter what my parents did the school wouldn't help. this lead to me being bullied and being treated as it I was thick and has had a overall affect on my self esteem. But at the age of 29 I was diagnosed as being dyslexic and this answered a lot of questions as to why I was different and was never allowed to write with a handwriting pen in school, I always had to use a pencil.
Having found out that I wasn't thick after all I went to university as an adult and did a undergraduate course in early years and professional practice. I was still unsure as to what I was actually capable of but this gave me the confidence so that when I had completed that I further went on and completed three masters in history. I loved the dissertations the best because they were what I wanted to write about and I was in charge of it. During these years there were a lot of ups and downs my youngest was having a hard time at school after being diagnosed as being autistic and dyslexic, I was diagnosed as having chronic fatigue and my dad died from lung cancer all of which took it's toll on me and I realised that my brain needed a break as it was overloaded.
I then decided to get away from it and run a craft shop which I did for three years and the desire to write a book was burning inside me. Unfortunately ill health hit me again when I was diagnosed with various medical conditions including Pernicious Anaemia and Fibromyalgia so it was time to call it a day on the shop. Since then I have been concentrating on moving forward and finished my first book in August when it was sent away to be edited etc in the view to it being published soon. I am now working on my second book.
